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The Lessee receives the car in good condition, any complaints about the condition of the car should be made upon delivery.
The Lessee is obliged to return the car to Key Cars and all paperwork, tools and accessories that accompany it, at the time and place specified. Failure to do so and after the agreed return period has elapsed, the Lessee will be obliged to pay to Key Cars the normal charge for use and compensation for any positive and reserve damages. Key Cars reserves the right to regain possession of the car at any time without notice and without the Lessee’ s consent, but at his/her own expense, if and as long as it has been used or is in breach of the Key Cars terms and conditions. On arrival the car driver must have the following documents with him:
• Driving license
• Identification Card
• Valid credit card (Visa or Mastercard)

In case of theft, loss or damage of the Car or any third party (including its passengers) the Lessee will be obliged to indemnify Key Cars as well as any third party.
(a) The Lessee shall be liable for any damage caused to the Car or to any third party if it has violated the terms of use of the car or driven it illegally or against the Road Traffic Code of Greece.
(b) The Lessee is liable for the total or partial theft or loss of the Car unless Key Cars have relieved the Lessee of the liability for the total theft or loss of the Car. This exemption applies if the Lessee has already accepted from the beginning of the lease the daily charge and the terms of the "Theft Protection" (TP) and "Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW) and if the Lessee has taken all precautions to prevent total theft or loss. It is expressly agreed that the theft or loss of parts or any equipment (partial theft) of the Car is not covered by the above acceptance of "Theft Protection" (TP) and "Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW).
(c) The Lessee shall be liable for any damage or loss of the Car as a result to a collision or fire unless the Lessee has accepted the term "Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW) and paid the relevant daily charge. The above "Collision Damage Waiver" (CDW) acceptance does not exempt the Lessee if the car was not used in accordance with the Key Cars terms and conditions. Even if the Lessee has accepted the
" Collision Damage Waiver" " there is a minimum charge to recover the cost of the damage, unless the Lessee has accepted the "Full Damage Waiver" (FDW), Partial Liability Waiver (PDW) or "Liability Damage Waiver" (LDW) (windows-mirrors-tires).
Damages encumber entirely by the Lessee:
• The underneath surface of the car including footboard.
• Windows, mirrors, tires.
• During loading, unloading or transporting the car on ships or trains or other means of transport without the prior consent of Key Cars.

The Lessee will pay to Key Cars the total amount of the lease below:
a) The daily rent of the car and all of the charges for extra kilometres.
b) All charges related to refuelling the car, the excess amount for ''Theft Protection''(TP), ''Collision Damage Waiver'' (CDW), ''Full Damage Waiver'' (FDW), "Liability Damage Waiver" (LDW) (windows-mirrors-tires).
c) Taxes, fees and other expenses relating to the rental of the car.
d) Any costs incurred by Key Cars, including attorneys' fees and default interest, on late payment of any amounts due on this lease or on the recovery and possession of the car by Key Cars.
e) Any money penalties, fines, court costs or other costs imposed or likely to be imposed on Key Cars for illegal use of the vehicle from the lessee.
f) Any amount required to replace or repair damaged tires or wheels or any amount of money for damage to the underneath surface of the car, to repair any other damage as well as compensation for the loss of the car, unless the lessee has accepted to pay the excess amount and adhered all the terms and conditions of the insurance.
g) The additional charge for the pickup or delivery of the Car and its return to a different spot than the one has been agreed.
h) Out-of-hours deliveries and collections (22:00 - 07:00) are subject to an extra charge of EUR 20.
i) Extra charges for insurance fees due to drivers age
j) The discounts provided by Key Cars will not apply unless the account is paid within the deadline.
k) All charges are subject to final control.


If the Lessee cancels the car reservation, then the following applies:

  1. No charge 30 days before the specified date of collection of the car.
  2. Charge the amount of the deposit 29 days or less, from the specified date of collection of the car.


If the Lessee wishes to extend the lease of the car, is obliged to notify Key Cars in writing forty-eight (48) hours at least before the expiry of the lease to receive the relevant written notice approval. If he fails to do so he is liable for civil and criminal liability illegal use and possession of the car.

The Lessee agrees that Key Cars is not responsible for any positive or reserve loss sustained by the Lessee during the lease and no claim can be brought against Key Cars for the above cause.

In case of an accident or other incidents (fire, theft) the Lessee or the additional driver is directly obliged to do the following:
a) Not to acknowledge any responsibility or liability or claims against third parties.
b) To write down all of the eyewitnesses as well as the information of the driver and the car he has crushed with.
(c) To contact the police to verify the responsibility and the healthcare of any existing wounded.
(d) To communicate immediately via telephone or any other means with Key Cars.
e) To collect any relevant information from any third party.
f) To take photos of the accident scene and the cars that were involved in the accident if that’s possible.
g) In case of theft or loss of the car, the Lessee is obliged to report it immediately in writing to the nearest police authority.
h) Complete and sign within twenty-four (24) hours the accident/theft report at the nearest Key Cars branch, as well as to provide any relevant documents or information.
i) To call road assistance (no charge) as well as the accident care.

a) Key Cars provides the Lessee and to any additional drivers, insurance coverage by insurance companies of her choice provided that they have not violated any of Key Cars' conditions at all.
1) CDW (Collision Damage Waiver)
2) TP (Theft Protection)
3) LDW (Windows – Mirrors - Tires)
4) FDW (Full Damage Waiver)

(b) Luggage’s are not covered by insurance and the Lessee is responsible for any loss or damage of objects owned or not owned. Key Cars bears no responsibility for any loss, damage, etc. of them during the rental period or after returning the car to Key Cars.

The Lessee consents to the detailed registration of his/her personal data on a personal computer. It is explicitly agreed that Key Cars has the right to use such information when the Lessee during the lease makes untrue statements or violates the terms and conditions of Key Cars to read this information to the Authorities of the country where there are suspicions of a criminal offence; or of another offence.

The Lessee is obliged to:
• Keep the car in good condition, check the engine’s condition, oil level, water and pressure tire.
• During the lease, all additional drivers are jointly and severally liable with the Lessee. Similarly, in case a representative signs the lease, he/she will be jointly and in solidarity liable with the lessee.
• Transportation of pets is permitted under the responsibility of the driver or another authorized personal carrier, provided that:
a) They are placed securely in a closed type transport cage.
b) The owner or holder of the pet is caring for the pet’s individual health booklet.
• The driver’s age limit must be between 21 and 70 years old.
• Be a holder of a European or International driving license.

The car is not allowed:
• To exit the Greek borders.
• Transfer people or items for a fee.
• To tow or tug cars or other objects.
• Load the car on a train or ship or any other means of transport without the prior written consent of Key Cars.
• Participate in or follow speed races.
• For sublease or concession to third parties.
• The execution of acts contrary to Greek Laws.
• To be driven both from the Lessee or additional driver under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogens, drugs, barbiturates or any other substance affecting his/her driving ability and senses.
• Carry or move heavy luggage, flammable materials, polluted or odorous items, drugs, etc.
• To be repaired, in case of mechanic problem, by the Lessee or any other third party without prior approval of Key Cars.



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